Ng Kwan Lam 伍軍霖

Higher Diploma in Interior Design

Interior Design 室內設計, SketchUp


Hello, I'm Ng Kwan Lam you can call me Gordon, a student at the HKCT Department of Interior Design. I have a keen interest and experience in interior design and software such as AutoCAD and Sketchup. I'm particularly skilled in designing with light, and can apply different lighting effects to interior design. I'm a cheerful person who always maintains a positive attitude, and I'll take on the role of 'team motivator' in our team. I look forward to working and learning with you!

atrium | 心房

我想透過這棟建築帶給觀眾的是人們要做自己想 做的事世界上太多的煩惱和噪音影響著我們就像 這條繁忙的洗衣街一樣人們很容易在這條繁忙 的街道上迷失方向 卻忘了什麼是真心,什麼是自我 我們可以透過這個建築走進自己的內心 很 多人喜歡這個建築的 外觀 充滿硬度 你不妨進去看看,找到真正的自己 我作品的目的是讓人們放鬆、休息,透 過這個建築重新認識自己,從而激勵自 己面對生活中的煩惱

I want to convey to the audience through this building that people should do what they want to do. There are too many troubles and noises in the world that affect us, just like this busy laundry street. It is easy for people to get lost on this busy street and forget what is sincerity and what is self. We can go into our hearts through this building. Many people like the hard appearance of this building. You might as well go in and find your true self. The purpose of my work is to let people relax and rest, and re-recognize themselves through this building, so as to inspire themselves to face the troubles in life.


INT FYP //Lau Wai Chun // Blind spot


INT FYP // Yung Hiu Tung // Natural Expedition