Yung Hiu Tung 翁曉瞳

Higher Diploma in Interior Design

Interior Design 室內設計, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Premiere, AutoCAD, SketchUp


I am interested in design. During my studies, I learned different knowledge and skills, which benefited me a lot. In the future, I want to become a designer and am eager to apply the knowledge I have learned in real projects.

Natural Expedition

以螞蟻洞穴作為設計可以為孩子提供安全感,同時結合大自然環境,為他們打造一個仿佛置身於大自然中的學校,激發孩子的好奇心和探索慾望。 在幼稚園周圍種植花草樹木,營造一個綠意盎然的環境。孩子們能夠欣賞到室外的美景,同時也讓陽光透進教室,營造明亮、溫暖的氛圍,讓孩子喺大自然中快樂學習和成長。

The design concept is using an ant's nest as inspiration can provide children with a sense of safety while incorporating the natural environment, creating a school that feels like being immersed in nature. This design also adds excitement and promotes growth by connecting children with the outside world. Otherwise, Surrounding the kindergarten with plants and trees creates a lush green environment. Children can appreciate the beauty of the outdoors through large glass windows, allowing sunlight to fill the classrooms and creating a bright and warm atmosphere.


INT FYP // Ng Kwan Lam // atrium


DIP FYP // Liang An Qi // Book思議