Lau Wai Chun 劉偉俊

Higher Diploma in Interior Design

Interior Design 室內設計


My name is Lau wai chun (Leo). I am a student of interior design. My interest is painting and playing basketball. I have a cheerful personality, but I am shy and slow. For example, when I study this course, I will feel embarrassed when I am not familiar with my classmates, but after that, I become a good friend.

Blind spot | 盲點


The space I designed is a place for people to think and reflect on. I hope that people can find a quiet place in the prosperous downtown like an oasis in the desert, so the design of the whole building is very simple and simple, using only cement and wood, and the pedestrian road is narrower because it wants to make users feel alone, so the pedestrian road is only enough for one person to pass through, and every tubular structure in the building is to allow users to observe the different effects and senses brought about by the weather and season when they look up, because nature is easier for people to reflect more, and the design of long pipes can make an echo effect, which can give users to use their own senses to feel the changes around them, so that they can reflect on themselves in a calm space.


INT FYP // Han Zixi // Acting on the nests


INT FYP // Ng Kwan Lam // atrium