Han Zixi 韩子晞

Higher Diploma in Interior Design

Interior Design 室內設計, Adobe Photoshop, AutoCAD, SketchUp

在這兩年的學習生涯中,我收穫了各種軟體的運用方法和技巧,很感謝各位老師栽培和指導才使得自己不斷精進。我會帶著在這裡學到的知識去看外面的世界,不斷開拓自己的眼界和智慧。 學習室內設計不是一件容易的事,需要日積月累的沉澱物來不斷形成獨屬於自己的設計理念和風格,加以各種繪圖軟體的打造。學校提供的幫助真的很大,也感謝老師們給我空間讓我發揮自己的想法。

In the past two years of study, I have gained a variety of software methods and skills, and I am very grateful to the teachers for their cultivation and guidance to make myself continue to improve. I will take what I have learned here to see the outside world and continue to expand my horizons and wisdom. Learning interior design is not an easy task, it requires the accumulation of precipitation over time to continuously form your own design concept and style, and create it with various drawing software. The help from the school is really great, and I am grateful to the teachers for giving me the space to develop my ideas.

Acting on the nests | 作用蜂巢


My design concept is inspires by nests, the aim is to make the space compact in layout like a honeycomb, with a common space where classrooms and people can connect with each other. The overall style is more wood-like, which visually brings people closer to nature, and creates a sense of integration with the surrounding plants.. The building seems to have a few shape every few meters, which is conductive to making full use of the space and adding interest.



INT FYP // Leung Tsoi Yuet // Heritage Gallery


INT FYP //Lau Wai Chun // Blind spot