Wong Ling Ham 王令涵

Diploma in Creative Design (Visual Communication)

Video Production 影片製作, Photoshop, Illustrator, Thought Creation 思想創作

Hello! 我叫Matthew,是創意設計文憑(視覺傳達)的學生。我選擇這個學科的原因是想學習不同有關設計的技能,更加深入地了解設計帶來的快感。在過去的一年裏,我在各個科目中吸收了不同的知識。在設計簡介裏,我學會製作各式各樣手工藝品。在攝影和影片製作裏,我更深入了解拍攝更高質素的相片和影片製作的技巧。在社區藝術裏,我認識到不同社區當中的文化氣息和當中的人進行交流。在VC主科裏, 我學會使用AI來製作不同的排版和設計。所以在這些科目裏, 我覺得真的很獲益良多。雖然在學習的途中充滿不少挑戰性,但是我都會樂於面對不同的挑戰。希望在更廣闊的未來,我可以在這些領域中繼續探索從而達成目標!

Hello! My name is Matthew and I am a Diploma in Creative Design (Visual Communication) student. The reason I chose this subject is that I want to learn different design-related skills and gain a deeper understanding of the pleasure that design brings. In the past year, I have absorbed different knowledge in various subjects. About introduction to design, I learned to make various handcrafts. About photography and video production, I gained a deeper understanding of the techniques for taking higher quality photos and video editing. About community art, I realized the cultural atmosphere of different communities and communicated with the people in them. About major subject visual communication, I learned to use adobe illustrator to create different layouts and designs. So in these subjects, I feel that I have really benefited a lot. Although the learning process is full of challenges, I am willing to face different challenges. I hope that in the broader future, I can continue to explore in these areas and achieve my goals!

DBike GO App

在這個項目中,我正在創建一個名為「DBike GO」的手機應用程式,專注於「單車 x 折扣」。該應用程式將在您騎單車的路線上提供折扣優惠。我希望這些獎勵能夠鼓勵更多人騎自行車並參與運動。由於有許多學生和上班族缺乏運動,我致力於創建這個應用程式來促進騎自行車,讓使用者獲得他們渴望的折扣。這個應用程式的概念源於單車與日常生活的結合。

In this project, I am creating a mobile app called "DBike GO" that focuses on bike x discount. The app will provide discounts while you're on your bike route. I hope that these rewards can encourage more people to ride bicycles and engage in exercise. As there are many students and workers who are lack of exercise, I aim to create this app to promote cycling and enable users to obtain the discounts they desire. The concept of the app stems from the fusion of biking and everyday life.


DIP FYP // Ng Ka Yiu // JOLI


DIP FYP // Huang Jincheng // Run with you