Ng Ka Yiu 吳珈瑤

Diploma in Creative Design and Media (Visual Communication)

Graphic Design 平面設計, Photoshop, Illustrator

你好,我叫Ka Ka,我是正就讀視覺傳達,對視覺藝術充滿熱情。透過創作,我能夠表達內心感受和想法,並享受在設計過程中的探索與挑戰。每一次作品的完成都讓我感到滿足與成就,並希望能夠透過自己的作品影響他人,帶來一絲溫暖或啟發。視覺傳達不僅是一種技能,更是一種表達自我的方式,我期待在這條創意之路上不斷成長和進步。

I am studying visual communication and am passionate about visual arts. Through creation, I am able to express my inner feelings and thoughts, and enjoy the exploration and challenges in the design process. The completion of each work makes me feel satisfied and accomplished, and I hope to influence others through my works, bringing a little warmth or inspiration. Visual communication is not only a skill, but also a way to express yourself, and I look forward to continuing to grow and improve on this creative path.



Young women who are busy with studying or working often lack the extra free time to go home and coordinate their outfits for various activities. The JOLI app assists them in saving time by allowing them to match clothes anytime and anywhere.


DIP FYP // Ho Man Chung // PhoneSquare Phonecase


DIP FYP // Wong Ling Ham // DBike GO App