Wong Siu Man 黃兆文

Higher Diploma in Creative Design and Media (Visual Communication)

Graphic Design 平面設計, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator


Design, to me, is a passion, a pursuit, an endless journey. I will struggle in the depths of design and achieve greatness, viewing the world and expressing myself through the lens of design. I will inject my thoughts and ideas into the minds of every individual, using my own methods, the methods of design. I will make sure that every person in the world knows of my existence.

ToShiRyu | 道心流

香港人經常被貼上冷漠,不負責任,自私等標籤,為什麼日本卻被人認為是禮儀之都?這正正就是文化和童年教育的差異。 我要為香港新一代帶來承載著武士道的甲冑,我要在香港開設一個為最反叛時期的人教育武士精神的道場,教授他們好的觀念,而並非課本中死板的內容。

Hong Kong people are often labeled as indifferent, irresponsible, and selfish. Why is it that Japan is regarded as the capital of etiquette? This is precisely the difference in culture and childhood education. I want to bring the armor carrying the spirit of Bushido to the new generation in Hong Kong. I want to establish a dojo in Hong Kong to educate them on the values of the samurai spirit during the most rebellious period. I will teach them positive concepts, rather than rigid content found in textbooks.


VC FYP // Tse Kam Wai // ChillPaws


VC FYP // Kwan Yu Hin // LITTLE HERO