So San Lung 蘇燊龍

Diploma in Creative Design (Visual Communication) 

Interior Design 室內設計

大家好,我是Sam。設計就好比天馬行空,一步一步的累計創作出新的作品。設計的每一個過程都在考驗我們對事物考察的嚴謹, 而在探索創作的過程中也是一種興趣。從高中開始學習設計與應用科技後,我就想著繼續向後拓展自己的能力。經過一年多的時間,從生疏變得熟練,從手工繪畫轉變為電腦繪畫,也能從更多的角度去看待一件事物的想法。也許會覺得自己做的還不夠好,但設計就是要不斷追求進步,不斷突破自己,未來的這條賽道還在等著我們。

Hi, I'm Sam. Design is like moving in the sky, creating new works step by step. Every process of design tests our rigor in looking at things.And in the process of exploring creation is also an interest. After studying design and applied technology in high school, I wanted to continue to expand my ability later. After more than a year, from unfamiliar to skilled, from hand painting to computer painting, can also look at the idea of a thing from more more perspective. Maybe I feel that what I have done is not good enough, but design is to constantly pursue progress and constantly break through myself. The future of this track is still waiting for us.

Emotion Station | 情緒驛站


Emotion Station is an application that can help you address various emotional problems. In comparison to the process of searching for solutions directly online, we can quickly analyze the results for you and provide advice on how to deal with your emotional problems.


DIP FYP // Huang Jincheng // Run with you