Man Tsz Wai 文址濰

Higher Diploma in Creative Design and Media (Visual Communication)

Graphic Design 平面設計, Video Production 影片製作, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator


Since I was a child, I have always loved to create, whether it is drawing, crafts, or even photography. So I enrolled in Visual Communication to improve my skills and aesthetics. During my studies, I learned a lot of professional knowledge about design and aesthetic skills, and I hope that I can apply what I learned in the future, and develop my unlimited possibilities in various aspects.


香港人的生活壓力大,希望讓工作者能找到自己的生活節奏, 從遊牧旅居中獨自體驗生活;找到人生的寶藏,找到生活的樂趣。我們以「享受獨處」和「自我成長」為核心理念,教導人們遊牧旅居的知識。

Hong Kong people face immense life pressures and hope to find their own pace in life. Through nomadic living, individuals can experience life on their own terms, discover the treasures of life, and find joy in everyday living. Our core philosophy revolves around "embracing solitude" and "personal growth," as we aim to impart knowledge about the nomadic lifestyle to individuals.


VC FYP // Kwan Yu Hin // LITTLE HERO


VC FYP // Abdullah Luqman // Deadline Fighter