Mak Hon Tung 麥漢東

Diploma in Creative Design and Media (Visual Communication)

Graphic Design 平面設計, Video Production 影片製作, Premiere

大家好,我叫Ryson,我是一位充滿活力和創意的「獨角獸」。我對攝影和演戲充滿熱情,這些活動讓我感到大大的滿足感。電影是我最熱愛的,我對「小故事大道理」「小人物大傳奇」深感著迷。 因為我強大的共情能力,這使我能夠敏銳地感受到他人的情緒。這種特質激發了我對於成為改變他人命運的人的夢想。我渴望成為那盞在黑暗隧道中照亮他人、帶給他們希望的明燈。我希望能將我的樂觀心態傳遞出去,成為他人生活中的正面影響力,幫助他們走出低谷,重新獲得光明。 我希望能夠通過我的熱情和努力,影響和啟發更多人。

Hello everyone, my name is Ryson, and I am an energetic and creative "unicorn." I am deeply passionate about photography and acting, and these activities bring me immense satisfaction. Movies hold a special place in my heart, as I am fascinated by the profound messages found in "small stories with big lessons" and the extraordinary journeys of "ordinary heroes." With my strong empathetic abilities, I have the gift of keenly sensing the emotions of others. This quality has ignited my dream of becoming a catalyst for changing people's destinies. I aspire to be a beacon of light, illuminating the path for others in their dark tunnels and instilling hope. My goal is to spread my optimistic mindset and become a positive force in the lives of others, helping them emerge from their struggles and rediscover the light. I hope to influence and inspire more people through my passion and efforts.

The Resonance of Heartstrings | 共鳴的心弦


In this fast-paced world, finding our own melody can be challenging. However, we can discover moments of leisure through music by using our earphones. That's why we love listening to music while riding the bus, walking, or engaging in various activities. The primary aim of this design is to fulfill your desire to listen to exceptional music anytime and anywhere. It also aims to enhance the music listening experience for "musicians" like yourself.


DIP FYP // Ma Jian Feng // Inner Healing


DIP FYP // Ho Man Chung // PhoneSquare Phonecase