Li Guoquan 李國權

Higher Diploma in Creative Design and Media ( Moving Image )


Video Production 影片製作, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe After Effects


My name is Li Guoquan. I like to participate in shooting projects. I will cut into different themes from different angles in order to pursue more touching works. I will actively solve problems, and I like to study the camera movement and shooting methods of film and television works. I will also make different attempts in the post-production of films, whether it is color mixing, sound effects, special effects, editing, and I am willing to study carefully.

Good and evil | 正邪


People like to put different labels on different people, and once they are labeled, people will have a fixed impression of him, and the exorcist and the devil in the show are trying to bring out this truth, the exorcist kills innocent people for their own selfish desires, and the devil is captured and sacrificed, but in the show they do nothing bad, The truth is that the identity or label a person is born with does not mean that it is necessarily good or bad, and it is necessary to pass their own judgment from the other person's behavior to the result.


IM FYP // Guo Zhaoyi // Why don't we do it again


INT FYP // Lee Ka Wai // Nomad Nest