Ho Yat Pan 何溢彬

Higher Diploma in Creative Design and Media ( Moving Image )

Video Production 影片製作, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere, Davinci Resolve

大家好,我是 Ben Ho,一位來自香港的媒體創作人。我對拍攝充滿著濃厚的興趣和熱情,並且希望能透過這個媒介來表達自己的創作。我相信影像具有強大的力量,能夠觸動人心,傳達故事和情感。這個行業充滿了無限的創意和機會,而我希望能夠通過這個平台來認識更多志同道合的創作伙伴,並在彼此的交流合作中不斷成長。我相信人際關係和溝通能力在這個行業中至關重要,因為它們能夠幫助我們建立更緊密的聯繫,分享彼此的經驗和知識。我期待能夠遇見更多具有熱忱和才華的人,一起創造出令人驚嘆的作品,並為觀眾帶來無盡的美好。謝謝大家!

Hello everyone, I'm Ben Ho, a media creator from Hong Kong. I'm passionate about photography and filmmaking, and I aspire to establish unique brand identities through the power of visual storytelling. With my skills and enthusiasm, I aim to capture the essence of different brands and showcase their values and narratives through compelling imagery. This ability is crucial for the success and competitiveness of any brand in the market. I will continue to pursue my creative passion, confident that I can create stunning visual works that bring success to my clients. Wishing you all the best!


《重生交錯點》講述了一個男人通過重生的機會重新思考人生的價值觀和目標。他試圖改變命運,卻發現一切都是脆弱且無法掌控。 這部影片將觸動觀眾對於人生意義和命運的思考。

"INTERSECTION OF REBIRTH" is a drama film that follows the story of a man who gets a second chance at life and reevaluates his values and goals. He endeavors to change his destiny but realizes the fragility and lack of control over everything. The film explores profound reflections on the meaning of life and the role of fate, leaving a lasting impact on the audience.


VC FYP // Abdullah Luqman // Deadline Fighter


MI FYP // Yu Juntao // Flaws